Learn Photography

Photography Tips You Must Know in 2022


Learn Photography

Here are some photography tips that you must know which will  help you capture Eye-Catching Images with your camera.



To take engaging photos you need to work towards your compulsion. Put your efforts in your work and your photography skills will be announced a lot.


Settings Matters

you should learn the settings which matter because there are a lot of settings in the camera that all photographers didn’t need to learn.


Try Different Camera Modes

Experiment with all the available modes in your camera guys and click as many images as you can.


Dont Over Expose

Don’t over-expose your highlights because it is impossible to recover any details from the white parts of an image.


Fix Your Weak Points

Work harder on your weak points and fix it, this is the best way to improve your photography.


A Tripod is Must  for Beginner

Always use a tripod because it gives you a stabilized and sharp image


It is your camera, have fun with it, try different settings on it, capture several photos and you will evendually improve over days

Here are 100 photography tips for beginners that can help you capture better Images with your camera.